Field Day Fun!
Parents and Students- You have done an amazing job with distance learning! We are so proud of you and your hard work. You have earned a break from our regular classes with Field Day! On Friday, May 8th students and parents are encouraged to participate in National Field Day activities. Instead of logging in for a Zoom class, grab some simple supplies to compete against our teachers and classmates in 11 Field Day Events that you do at home. Complete a minimum of 4 events, and post your best times on our Facebook page. Don't forget to share a video of you and...
Sidewalk Chalk Challenge
After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples. They saw the nail marks on his hands and his feet, and they knew Jesus was really alive! Jesus told his friends that he was sending them into the world to spread the good news that Jesus conquered sin, death, and the devil. He gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit and filled them with power to witness to everyone. The Holy Spirit gives each of us power to tell others about Jesus and his love for us. We are encouraging everyone to be a witness for Christ by using sidewalk chalk to leave messages...
Four Tips to Fight the Stay At Home Blues
For me, the novelty of staying at home, distance learning, and virtual events has worn off! Each day feels a little bit more like the one before, and our "new normal" seems to be filled with monotony. Can you relate? If gearing up for another day of the same thing is wearing you out, here are four simple steps you can take to shake off the stay at home blues! Stick With a Routine for the Non-negotiables: Let's face it. There are some things that just have to be done. Most likely, they are the things you least want to do and the things you spend the most...