5 Tips for a Less Stressed Morning

5 Tips for a Less Stressed Morning

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5 Tips for a Less Stressed Morning

by | Sep 10, 2020 | Parent Blog

If you and your children are struggling with your morning routine, don’t despair.  We’ve talked to parents just like you who have been through mornings filled with hurry, worry, and stress.  We have some good news for you!  The morning routine can be conquered.   Try these 5 parent-tested tips to add some peace back into your morning.

Tip #1: A Calm Morning Starts the Night Before

Get as many things ready as possible the night before.  Check homework folders, load backpacks and sports bags, and review the next day’s schedule to make sure your children will have everything they need.  If you’d rather pack lunches in the morning, plan what you’ll make and have the lunchboxes set out and ready to go.  A little planning in the evening gets the morning off to a great start.

Tip # 2: A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place

Create a school zone for a grab and go morning.  Backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, belts- anything your kids use every day at school should be in the school zone.  No time will be lost hunting for a school sweatshirt or missing recorder when you have a special place for school related items.

Tip #3: A Hungry Child Is a Cranky Child

Breakfast!  No matter what your child may try to tell you, they need a nutritious breakfast to start their day.   A Poptart in the car is convenient, but we all know it’s not the best choice for healthy kids.  Plan table time for your child to sit and eat before getting into the car.  Even a small breakfast increases energy, helps with focus, and improves mood.

Tip #4:  Use Your Travel Time Wisely

Now that everyone is awake and loaded into the car, use your travel time to connect with your kids.  Talk about the upcoming day.  Help them practice spelling words or review memory work.  Most importantly, be positive and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Tip #5:  Keep Calm, It’s Car Line

The calm you created can disappear in a minute when it’s time for your child to get out of the car only to realize their mask is gone and their water bottle is missing.  While you’re waiting in carline, do an arrival check.  Masks on.  Backpacks, lunch boxes and water bottles at the ready.  Create a goodbye routine that shows you love them, and when the car door opens send them off with a smile and a wave.  They’ll be ready for a great day, and so will you.

Have your own tip for a less-stress morning?  Share it with us!  Email Jennifer_tanner@gracelutheraneagles.org and you just might see your tip in our next parent blog.